Agoria is our new member in the AMULET Liaison Office.
Short description of the organisation
Agoria is paving the way for all technology-inspired companies in Belgium that strive for progress in the world through the development or application of technological innovations. We aim to boost the success of these companies and to shape a sustainable future. The federation brings together about 2,200 technology companies, representing more than 310, 000 employees. In its offices in Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Liège and Charleroi, Agoria has around 200 employees. Our services and positions cover HR and training, market development, regulation, digitization, infrastructure, manufacturing, climate, the environment, and energy.
Agoria Composites represents the Belgian companies and stakeholders involved in the development, manufacturing, application, and recycling of composites technology. We also act as the unified voice of the sector at the European level via participation in ELI CIA. We make sure to share the necessary,y information with our members and promote the best practice use of composite products. We facilitate the connections between technology producers and user markets, driving growth and business development and benefiting everyone involved.
More information is available here: