Liaison Office

The Advanced Materials & manufacturing United for LightwEighT (AMULET) is a project funded by INNOSUP-1 programme (HORIZON 2020) that aims to consolidate novel value chains for multisectoral industrial applications enabled by advanced materials and their related manufacturing technologies as Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), ultimately contributing to decarbonization, resource efficiency through light weighting and cost reduction.

In order to gradually expand the existing AMULET network and presence beyond the original regions the AMULET project is establishing the AMULET Liaison Office to maximize the dissemination of activities and ensure the long-term sustainability of AMULET.

AMULET’s liaison activities are primarily with the ELCA network as the international reference network for lightweight construction, as well as with other key external stakeholders.

The following 4 categories of key external members have been preliminary selected:

1) other EU lightweight clusters

2)  relevant EU associations, initiatives and networks in the material and road transport value chains

3) members of other lightweight projects in Europe

4) international active peer bodies and initiatives in lightweight.

The AMULET Liaison Office play the role of international interface with all these actors.

Main benefits of beeing a member of AMULETs Liaison Office

  • Free registration to the ELCA platform
  • Get an early-access to information provided by the AMULET Consortium
  • Collaborate with the AMULET project for potential joint events or similar activities in the field of lighweight
  • Benefit from a direct link with the AMULET project and the ELCA network in joint events and joint communication
  • Promotion of your activities through AMULET´s communication channels (LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
  • Get a personalized certificate of membership

Are you an organisation that falls into these 4 categories and would also like to be a member of our lightweight community?

Fill in the application form and send it to the contact point of AMULET Liaison Office: 

Annabelle Sion

Project Coordinator
Phone:  +33 (0)6 33 70 06 74

Our ambassadors in the AMULET Liaison Office: