Every year, through the JEC Composites Innovation Awards, JEC rewards collective cutting-edge, creative projects which demonstrate the full potential of composite materials.
We are pleased to announce that the BioGear project, coordinated by FUKO, was one of the 33 finalists of this prestigious award. The BioGear project was selected for funding under the 1st OPEN CALL at AMULET. He successfully
completed the Stage 1 feasibility study and moved on to the next stages of Stage 2 Demonstration and is currently working on the final phase of the Stage 3 follow-up support for the innovation project.
It’s worth to remind what about is project BioGear.
BioGear project tackles the challenge to design an energy-absorbing structural component, in particular a helicopter landing gear, replacing metals with natural-fiber composites and recycled carbon-fiber composites, following the principles of the circular economy. The design of the landing gear will follow a concurrent design approach, which will take into account not only functional and aesthetic requirements but also sustainability and end-of-life management. The target goal of BioGear is not the mere development of a lightweight composite landing gear but the conception of a component that not only serves its purpose but also allows reducing the carbon footprint of the final vehicle.