Webinar: Characterization & modelling

This webinar on the topic related to characterisation and modelling, entitled: Durability of Polymer Composites presented a range of interesting topics. Tarikul Hasan presented findings regarding the durability of “conventional” composites, produced with commercial resins. Meanwhile, Md Shahid presented research results on bio-based composites, using a bio-base resin developed in-house. Philippe Noury discussed a new Recommended Practice (RP) for the environmental degradation assessment of composites. Christian W. Karl presented findings about the degradation of plastics used in maritime conditions. Andrejs Krauklis presented conclusions about a novel QSPR-based rapid polymer degradation assessment methodology.

Topic: “Durability of Polymer Composites

Hosted by NTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology (www.ntnu.no)

Speaker: Christian W. Karl (SINTEF Industry), Tarikul Hasan (IST Portugal), Md Shahid (IST Portugal),  Philippe Noury (DNV-GL) Andrejs Krauklis (NTNU ASEMlab)

Materials from the meeting can be downloaded from the repository.