AMULET consortium meeting in Ljubljana

The two-day AMULET consortium meeting was held at the Advanced Materials Department of JSI, Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana on 28-29 May 2024.

The AMULET partners met to plan the final months of the project and visit the facilities of the Jožef Stefan Institute, the largest research centre in Slovenia.

Being in its third and final year, AMULET is at a pivotal point, making this meeting the centre of intense discussions, comprehensive summaries of achieved indicators and strategic planning for the end of the project.

During the meetings, activities were launched to organise the final AMULET event, which will take place during the KOMPOZYT-EXPO® composite materials trade fair on 16 and 17 October in Krakow, Poland.

This event will be a unique opportunity to bring together all AMULET partners and SMEs that have developed lightweight solutions to the challenges set at the beginning of the project.